Full Name
Instagram or Skool Handle
Please provide your Skool or Instagram handle so we can DM you about your application
Years In Business
What best describes your current business?
Freelancer or Service Provider
Consultant or Consulting Agency/Firm
Marketing or Creative Agency/Firm
Coach or Course Creator
Leadership / Executive Trainer
How big is your team? (Please separate out # of full-time people / # of part time)
Who do you help, what do you offer and at what price point do you sell it for?
What is your approximate MONTHLY revenue?
Under $5k
Which of these most sounds like you?
I need more clients, period.
I have a stable client base but lack time/capacity to take on more, and looking for ways to serve more clients with less effort.
I have some clients, can handle some more and want to increase leads/sales
My agency has scaled up, runs without me in the day-to-day and I’m trying to figure out what’s next.
If we’re having this conversation 12 months from today, what would success look like for you if we decided to work together?
What are the 3 biggest challenges or obstacles you think will prevent you from achieving that success?
How did you hear about me and AltAgency?
What are you hoping to gain from AltAgency Training, Coaching and Mentorship?
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